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Site Inductions

Union & Mont Albert - Site Induction

Union & Mont Albert - Site Induction

1 hour


This induction will ensure that any person new to the Union & Mont Albert (UMA) Project are familiarised with the South Eastern Program Alliance way of working and Union & Mont Albert (UMA) site specific requirements. This is induction is a mandatory requirement.

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South Dynon TMF - Site Induction - 7.00 am

South Dynon TMF - Site Induction - 7.00 am

1 hr approx (excludes prestart)


This induction will ensure that any person new to the South Dynon Train - Maintenance Facility STAGE 2 project are familiarised with the South Eastern Program Alliance way of working and South Dynon site specific requirements. This site induction is a mandatory requirement.

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Ringwood - Site Induction

Ringwood - Site Induction

1 hour


This induction will ensure that any person new to the Ringwood project are familiarised with the South Eastern Program Alliance way of working and the Ringwood (Bedford & Dublin Roads) site specific requirements. This site induction is a mandatory requirement to work on SEPA.

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NIGHT SHIFT - Union & Mont Albert - Site Induction

NIGHT SHIFT - Union & Mont Albert - Site Induction

1 hour


This induction will ensure that any person new to the Union & Mont Albert (UMA) Project are familiarised with the South Eastern Program Alliance way of working and Union & Mont Albert (UMA) site specific requirements. This is induction is a mandatory requirement.

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Night Shift - Ringwood Site Induction

Night Shift - Ringwood Site Induction

1.5 Hours


This induction will ensure that any person new to the Ringwood project are familiarised with the South Eastern Program Alliance way of working and the Ringwood (Bedford & Dublin Roads) This site induction is a mandatory requirement to work on SEPA.

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South Dynon TMF - Site Induction (Night Shift)

South Dynon TMF - Site Induction (Night Shift)

1.5 hours (includes prestart)


This induction will ensure that any person new to the South Dynon - Train Maintenance Facility project are familiarised with the South Eastern Program Alliance way of working and South Dynon site specific requirements. This induction is a mandatory requirement.

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Croydon - Site Induction - 7.00 am

Croydon - Site Induction - 7.00 am

1.5 hours


This induction will ensure that any person new to the Croydon project are familiarised with the South Eastern Program Alliance way of working and Croydon (Coolstore and Cavehill Roads) site specific requirements. This site induction is a mandatory requirement to work on SEPA.

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SEPA - Common Induction

SEPA - Common Induction



This induction will ensure that any new start on the South Eastern Program Alliance are familiarised with the South Eastern Program Alliance way of working site-specific requirements. This induction will need to be completed by ALL new employees working on the Union and Mont Albert Project, Dublin and Bedford Road (Ringwood) Project, Coolstore and Cave Hill Road (Croydon) Project, South Dynon Train Maintenance Facility Project prior to commencing work. This is induction is a mandatory requirement.

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Bedford and Dublin Road - Site Familiarisation

Bedford and Dublin Road - Site Familiarisation



This induction will ensure that any person new to the Ringwood project are familiarised with the South Eastern Program Alliance way of working and the Ringwood (Bedford & Dublin Roads)

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Coolstore and Cavehill Road - Site Familiarisation

Coolstore and Cavehill Road - Site Familiarisation



This induction will ensure that any person new to the Croydon project are familiarised with the South Eastern Program Alliance way of working and Croydon (Coolstore and Cavehill Roads) site specific requirements. This site induction is a mandatory requirement to work on SEPA.

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Ringwood and Croydon - Site Induction 7.00 am

Ringwood and Croydon - Site Induction 7.00 am

1 Hour approx.


This induction will ensure that any person new to the Ringwood or Croydon projects are familiarised with the South Eastern Program Alliance way of working and the Ringwood (Bedford & Dublin Roads) and Croydon (Coolstore & Cavehill Roads) site specific requirements. This site induction/familiarisation is a mandatory requirement to work on SEPA.

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Pacific National Induction - South Dynon

Pacific National Induction - South Dynon

30 mins


This induction will ensure that any person new to the South Dynon TMF project are familiarised with the Pacific National site requirements.

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Next Gear

'Shifting into Next Gear' Workshop

'Shifting into Next Gear' Workshop

3.5 hours


Shifting Into Next Gear is SEPA's and Laing O'Rourke's Safety Philosophy workshop. It is mandatory for all personnel working on the South Eastern Program Alliance to complete the workshop as outlined in the SEPA mobilisation process. This is an interactive session to encourage participation and open discussion.

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Safe Spine / Safe Mind

SafeSpine / SafeMind Workshop

SafeSpine / SafeMind Workshop

2 hours approx.


SafeSpine/SafeMind is a mandatory workshop and forms part of the mobilisation requirements for anyone working on the SEPA - South Eastern Program Alliance.

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Cultural Competency

Cultural Competency Training

Cultural Competency Training

1.5 hours


The Cultural Competency Workshops are designed to provide cultural education and cultural competency training to SEPA to support our social procurement and employment programs.

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Union & Mont Albert - RAP Induction

45 mins


UMA - RAP Induction

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Cross Cultural Awareness - Module 2

Cross Cultural Awareness - Module 2



This session is designed for SEPA staff to increase awareness about culturally safe and inclusive employment and procurement strategies.

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LXRP - CHMP RAP Induction

LXRP - CHMP RAP Induction

1.5 hrs


This RAP Induction covers all LXRP projects including SEPA (Dublin Rd, Bedford Rd, Coolstore Rd and Cave Hill Rd) within Wurundjeri country and will be held at the various alliances.

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Ringwood (Dublin Rd & Bedford Rd) RAP Induction

Ringwood (Dublin Rd & Bedford Rd) RAP Induction

1 hour


Dublin Road & Bedford Road - Cultural Heritage Induction

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Croydon (Coolstore Rd) RAP Induction

Croydon (Coolstore Rd) RAP Induction

45 mins


Coolstore Rd - Cultural Heritage Induction

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