South Dynon TMF - Site Induction - 7.00 am
This induction will ensure that any person new to the South Dynon Train - Maintenance Facility STAGE 2 project are familiarised with the South Eastern Program Alliance way of working and South Dynon site specific requirements. This site induction is a mandatory requirement.
The South Dynon Train Maintenance Facility Site Induction will provide an overview on the below site requirements and responsibilities of each person working on the project;
- Acknowledgement of Country
- Overview of South Eastern Program Alliance
- Housekeeping
- Freedom of Association
- Right of Entry
- SEPA in the Community
- Environmental Management
- Cultural Heritage
- Site Access - Damstra-EIFY
- RIW Access - V/Line Network
- PPE Requirements
- Fitness for Work
- Diversity & Inclusion
- Wellbeing
- Fatal and Severe Risks (Safety and Environmental)
- Risk Management
- Incident Reporting
- Traffic Management
- Emergency Preparedness
- Information Boards
- Site Layout and Access
Anyone who has completed the Stage 1 Site Induction (prior to January 2024) will need to book in and complete this Stage 2 Site Induction.
All personnel MUST have the following prior to attending:
- Valid and current Damstra-EIFY profile / card
- Valid and current RIW card (with V/Line Operator Role and competencies)
- Completed Hammertech Induction - bring your 6 digit code (allow up to 3 days for approval)