Coolstore and Cavehill Road - Site Familiarisation
This induction will ensure that any person new to the Croydon project are familiarised with the South Eastern Program Alliance way of working and Croydon (Coolstore and Cavehill Roads) site specific requirements. This site induction is a mandatory requirement to work on SEPA.
The Croydon Site Induction will provide an overview on the below site requirements and responsibilities of each person working on the project
- Acknowledgement of Country
- Overview of South Eastern Program Alliance
- Housekeeping
- Freedom of Association
- Right of Entry
- SEPA in the Community
- Environmental Management
- Cultural Heritage
- Site Access - EIFY
- RIW Access - MTM Network
- PPE Requirements
- Fitness for Work
- Wellbeing
- Fatal and Severe Risks (Safety and Environmental)
- Risk Management
- Incident Reporting
- Traffic Management
- Emergency Preparedness
- Information Boards
- Site Layout and Access